Appearances / Topics

Terence Smith speaks frequently on topics ranging from the World of Washington to Journalism issues. He also moderates panels before a variety of audiences.

“Angle, Campbell, and Gonyea created a dynamic synergy that quickly won over our audience. And Terry Smith demonstrated skills as a panel moderator that were nigh on peerless.”

-Lawrence Henley, Barrick Lecture Series Operations,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Speaking & Moderating Topics Include

  • Washington Today: High Politics and Low Comedy in the nation’s true entertainment capital: Washington.
  • The News Blues: American Journalism is enduring a Perfect Storm of crises from credibility to economic survival.
  • Israel Today: Four-plus decades of occupation of Arab lands threatens the occupier as much as the occupied.

List of Past and Present Engagements

Smith continues as a world affairs speaker on cruise lines around the world. In December, 2022 and January, 2023, he will be speaking on Silversea ships out of Singapore on his newly-published memoir, “Four Wars, Five Presidents: A Reporter’s Journey from Jerusalem to Saigon to the White House.” 

On June 11, 2013, in very good company, I was inducted into the Society of Professional Journalists’ Hall of Fame. My fellow inductees: Andrea Mitchell of NBC News, Tom Boswell of The Washington Post, and posthumously, author Haynes Johnson.

In October, 2011, I moderated a 24-person dinner discussion about the prospects for the American Dream and the economy at the Washington Ideas Forum, sponsored by the Atlantic Media Group,the Aspen Institute and Allstate. Previously, I moderated dinner discussions arising from Allstate’s Heartland Poll series with Atlantic Media about the changing attitudes of the American middle class.

In September, 2011, I moderated a panel discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies with Professors Joseph Bower, Herman Leonard and Lynn Paine of the Harvard Business School about their new book, Capitalism at Risk, Rethinking the Role of Business.

In November, 2010, I spoke to the Money Management Institute in New York, paired with Hendrik Hertzberg of The New Yorker, about the Congressional elections and the longer-term significance of redistricting and the Republican successes in state elections around the country.

On July 3, 2008, I moderated one panel and participated in a second at the Aspen Ideas Festival at the Aspen Institute in Aspen, CO. The first, on The American Workforce, included Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, Allstate Chairman Tom Wilson, Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin and business executive Sidney Harmon. The second, on The Media and The Campaign, included six other journalists and was moderated by Charles Firestone of the Aspen Institute.

On December 12, 2007, I interviewed author Sally Bedell Smith on her new book, For Love of Politics: Bill and Hillary Clinton, The White House Years,” at the Aspen Institute in Washington. It was part of their Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series, which is held in the Institute’s headquarters at One Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C.

In December, 2005, I attended a conference organized by The Aspen Institute, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, that was part of the Institute’s on-going Arab-U.S. Media Forum. This session, attended by 31 U.S. and Arab journalists, educators and academics, had a procative title: “Covering the Other: Intolerance and Bigotry in American and Arab Media.”

November 3rd, 2005
I moderated a panel on Nov. 3, 2005, at a conference entitled “Newsroom Ethics and Standards in Challenging Times,” sponsored by the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) and the McCormick Tribune Foundation. The conference, which brought together 43 top editors, first amendment attorneys and journalism educators, dealt with the recent legal and ethical challenges confronting the industry in the wake of controversies involving The New York Times, Time Magazine and others. The panel was entitled:”Judges, Juries and Jail Time.” It was held at Cantigny, the McCormick estate and conference center in Wheaton, IL

Investment Program Association: On Friday, Nov. 11, I spoke at the fall issues conference of the Investment Program Association at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. The speech topic: “Second-Term Meltdowns,” an analysis of the problems confronting President George W. Bush as he deals with bad news from Iraq, declining poll numbers, the arrest of a top official in his Administration, etc. The IPA is a national association of real estate investment advisors.

July, 2005
In July, I participated in a three-day Aspen Institute forum on Journalism and National Security in Aspen, CO. The participants included current and former national security officials from the White House, CIA and NSA, lawyers, editors and bureau chiefs. The discussions laid the groundwork for an upcoming high-level meeting of journalists and national security officials in Washington to hammer out new arrangements for handling classified and sensitive information in the post 9/11 world.

Early 2004
White House correspondents panel shares the “inside story” at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas … Attendees of the Barrick Lecture Series at UNLV were treated to a rare insiders view when Campbell Brown (NBC), Don Gonyea (NPR), Jim Angle (FOX), and Terence Smith (PBS) assembled for lively panel discussion on the U.S. Presidential campaign. A rousing Q&A session followed.

November 18, 2004
I moderated a panel before an audience of some 180 people, chief financial officers of Fortune 500 companies, their spouses and guests, at the CFO Conference arranged by Deloitte Services, LP. The event was held at the Hyatt Huntington Beach Hotel in Huntington Beach, CA. The panel, which provided perspectives on the 2004 Presidential election, included columnist David Broder of the Washington Post, anchorwoman Katty Kay of the BBC World and Adrian Wooldridge, Washington correspondent for The Economist.

November 17, 2004,
I delivered the annual Neiman Lecture at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI.

November 9, 2004
I moderated a panel of White House Correspondents before an audience of 2000 donors and business leaders at the American Red Cross Byrne Speaker Series on the stage of the historic Foley Theater in Kansas City, MO. The panelists included Jim Angle of Fox News, Campbell Brown of NBC News and Don Gonyea of National Public Radio. They recapped th 2004 Presidential election and spoke of the prospects for the upcoming second Bush Administration.

October 26, 2004
I moderated a discussion between two former Secretaries of State, Madeline Albright and George Shultz, before an audience of several thousand banking executives at the 91st annual convention of the Mortgage Bankers’ Association in the Moscone Center in San Francisco. The seccretaries discussed international issues in the context of the upcoming Presidential election.

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